
Friday, July 25, 2014

Are Pet Med Choices A Federal Issue? Consumers may not know they can shop around for pet meds, but a federal law on this seems unnecessary

 As many a dog and cat owner can testify, medications for pets are not cheap.
U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and his counterpart in New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, want to do something about that by forcing veterinarians to loosen what the senators call the vets' "stranglehold on sales" of pet meds.
The intent of their bill — to give consumers more choice, saving them money — is worthwhile. Whether enacting a federal law is the right way to accomplish that is another question.
Many veterinary practices include pharmacies. Vets' prescriptions are often routinely filled right at the office — often at inflated prices, the senators charge.
Their bill would require that veterinarians always provide copies of prescriptions to pet owners so that they can seek less expensive sources. Veterinarians will do so now, but only if the client asks.
Many medications for pets — some antibiotics, for example — are simply pet-size doses of human medicines, so drugstores are able to fill them easily.

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