
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sixth Question of Day June 25, 2014. Does this make you question a few things? The owner of Doc's Pharmacy that compounded the medication given to George Stahl had these qualifications

Named pharmacist of the year in 1997 by Professional Compounding Centers of America, the 62-year-old Walnut Creek resident was also on the board of one of the industry's powerful lobbying organizations.


Horwitz, the Doc's Pharmacy compounder, was considered one of the best. Horwitz taught PCCA courses on lozenge-making and was a member of the board of the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists, a lobbying group with headquarters at PCCA's 100,000-square-foot office and warehouse complex.
PCCA President David Sparks has known Horwitz for more than a dozen years and spoke warmly of "his innovations, his willingness to share those innovations with others, and his enthusiasm."

PCCA supplied Doc's with the recipe for making betamethasone, advice on how to compound it, and the vials into which the mixture was decanted. Horwitz said he learned the "cold sterilization" technique of spraying alcohol on empty vials at PCCA, and then taught it to his own technicians, along with passing on PCCA's instructions to heat the sterilized vials after they were filled.

Source found here

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