
Friday, May 2, 2014

USP Faces New Challenges Published by Jill Wechsler, Washington editor on May 2, 2014 10:22 am under Regulation

USP Faces New Challenges

In anticipation of the 200th anniversary of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) in 2020, the organization’s new leadership is taking a fresh look at its role in setting standards for pharmaceutical development and production and how that has been altered by new regulatory policies and industry globalization. USP chief executive officer Ron Piervincenzi is consulting with stakeholders, reviewing the organization’s operations, and examining options for growth and change as part of the agenda for the next USP convention in April 2015.
Piervincenzi comes to USP with training in bioengineering and expertise in management gained at McKinsey & Co., where he worked on multiple projects involving regulatory and medical affairs for many parties involved in USP activities, including manufacturers of drugs, dietary supplements, veterinary medicine, and foods. As the biomedical world has become more complex, notes USP president Timothy Franson, USP needs leadership with deep scientific understanding, as well as strong management skills and broad experience in stakeholder areas.
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