
Friday, May 2, 2014

High Importance: Colorado State Board of Veterinary Medicine, State Board of Pharmacy and DEA collaborate on document providing guidance to veterinarians on administering, distrubuting, dispensing and prescribing prescription drugs

The Importance of Understanding What is Required of You When Administering, Distributing, Dispensing, or Prescribing Prescription Drugs

The State Board of Veterinary Medicine (Board) has reviewed several cases and fielded multiple questions surrounding the subject of prescriptions—ranging from acts requiring registration as a wholesaler with the State Board of Pharmacy to the responsibilities of a licensed veterinarian when prescribing medication for a patient. After engaging in numerous discussions in the area of prescription drugs being administered, distributed, dispensed, or prescribed by licensed veterinarians, it is clear to the Board that there is potentially widespread misunderstanding and miscommunication of the legal requirements governing licensees when engaged in such acts.
Provided by DORA, this document, which was written in collaboration with the State Board of Pharmacy as well as the Drug Enforcement Administration, covers prescription requirements for licensed veterinarians in the state of Colorado in great detail and attempts to provide guidance and clarity in better understanding your roles and responsibilities. The document is posted here (click link above) in its entirety and also on the main page of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine website Please take the time to download the complete piece.  It is imperative that each licensee understand the current requirements, keep informed and abreast of upcoming changes, and whenever possible participate in the process for further clarifying requirements into Board Rules and Policies.

quoted from here

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