Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) Statement Regarding Lack of Funding for FDA Compounding Issues

Rosa DeLauro Opening Statement at Agriculture Appropriations Markup
WASHINGTON, DC—Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) made the following opening statement at today’s Agriculture Appropriations subcommittee markup. The subcommittee, which DeLauro formerly chaired, considered the Fiscal Year 2015 funding bill for the United States Agriculture Department, Food and Drug Administration, and Commodity Futures Trading Commission.


I am deeply concerned about pharmaceutical drug safety here. I am disturbed that the amount given to address the compounding drug issue is funded at half – $12 million – of the full request for $25 million. Over 700 people were affected with fungal meningitis as a result of compounded drugs. 48 people died across 19 states. It’s really staggering that where life and death is concerned we are shortchanging this agency in terms of what it needs to do to address these health issues.

quoted from here

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