
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Congress Chastises FDA: “You’re Not Listening!”

“We found that FDA focused on perfecting their legal reasons for inaction,” a Senate committee wrote, “instead of protecting families.” Action Alert!
Last Friday, the Senate Appropriations Committee criticized the FDA for ignoring doctors, patients, and compounding pharmacists by issuing proposed new regulations on compounding pharmacies without sufficiently consulting the stakeholders.
The language scolding the FDA was inserted into a committee report at the request of Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), who has committed himself to making sure stakeholders are heard: “If FDA isn’t sitting down with doctors, patients, and pharmacists and communicating how it is implementing the law, then I will stay on FDA until it does.”
While we applaud Sen. Alexander for his attention to this matter, it’s difficult not to say, “We told you so!” When the compounding legislation was passed in 2013, we warned legislators that the FDA would exploit the bill to expand and abuse its powers. Unfortunately, we were right. Nevertheless, we thank Sen. Alexander for his support, and encourage further oversight!
quoted from here

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