
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

New USP Webpage Answers Common Questions About 795 and 797

New USP Webpage Answers Common

Questions About USP Chapters <795>

and <797>

In response to questions concerning United States Pharmacopeia-

National Formulary (USP-NF) General Chapters <795> and

<797>, USP has created a new frequently asked questions (FAQs)

page on its website. The FAQs answer questions related to the Revision

Bulletin for Chapter <795> that was issued on November 22,

2013, and became official on January 1, 2014. Among other topics,

the FAQs address common questions regarding beyond-use dating

and the differences between testing stability with strength (potency)

or stability-inducing methods. The FAQs can be accessed at www

Question four on the page includes a link to a USP article, “Strength

and Stability Testing for Compounded Preparation

quoted from here

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