
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary Actions (14-04-462)
During its November 2013 meeting, the Board took final

action in the following matters:

Charlene Marie Fletcher (CPT.004539): Formal Hearing

– Revoked the certificate, and further, assessed a

fine of $5,000 plus administrative, investigative, and
hearing costs; for seven counts, including diversion of
controlled substances (CS) from her employer pharmacy.

Javondra Marie Raby (CPT.008519): Formal Hearing

Revoked the certificate, and further, assessed a fine of

$5,000 plus administrative, investigative, and hearing
costs; for seven counts, including diversion of CS from

her employer pharmacy.
During its February 2014 meeting, the Board took final

action in the following matters:

Monica Leigh Goux-Hahn (PTC Applicant): Denied the

application for pharmacy technician candidate registration

and refused to issue the credential.

Jaime Lea Anderson (PTC Applicant): Denied the application

for pharmacy technician candidate registration

and refused to issue the credential.

William Lee Pearson (PST Applicant): Denied the application

for pharmacist license and refused to issue

the license.
Lifechek Drug, Inc, and Lifechek Rosenberg GP,

together dba Lifechek Drug #19 (PHY Applicant):
Applicant executed a non-disciplinary agreement with
the Board wherein the applicant is prohibited from applying

for a Louisiana pharmacy permit for 10 years,

and further, the applicant shall pay all attorney fees and

costs associated with preparation for an administrative
hearing that were accrued prior to its execution of the
Ackal’s Community Pharmacy, Inc, dba Ackal’s Community

Pharmacy (PHY.005948): Suspended the

permit for five years and suspended the execution of
the suspension, then placed the permit on probation for

five years, effective January 30, 2014, subject to certain

terms enumerated in the consent agreement, and
further, assessed a fine of $10,000 plus administrative
and investigative costs; for 15 counts, including failure

to perform drug utilization review and corresponding

responsibility when dispensing prescriptions for CS.

Christine Adele Ackal (PST.015539): Suspended the

license for five years and suspended the execution of
the suspension, then placed the license on probation for
five years, effective January 30, 2014, subject to certain
terms enumerated in the consent agreement, and further,
assessed a fine of $10,000 plus administrative costs; for

15 counts, as owner and pharmacist-in-charge (PIC)
of Ackal’s Community Pharmacy, including failure

to perform drug utilization review and corresponding

responsibility when dispensing prescriptions for CS
Walgreen Louisiana Co, Inc, dba Walgreen Pharmacy

No. 110-06219 (PHY.001166): Assessed a fine of $2,500

plus administrative and investigative costs; for three

counts, including allowing a pharmacy technician candidate

with an expired registration to continue practicing
in the prescription department.
Walgreen Louisiana Co, Inc, dba Walgreen Pharmacy

No. 10399 (PHY.005672): Assessed a fi ne of $10,000

plus administrative costs; for two counts, including

failure to appoint a replacement PIC in a timely manner

and the subsequent operation of a pharmacy without a

PIC for seven months.

Charmisha Renea East (CPT.010697): Accepted voluntary

surrender, resulting in active suspension of the
certificate for an indefinite period of time, effective
December 12, 2013.
Apothecary Pharmacy, Inc, dba Ray’s Apothecary

Pharmacy (PHY.004444 and CDS.038642): Assessed

a fine of $7,500 plus administrative and investigative

costs; for 17 counts, including allowing unqualified
pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to compound

high-risk sterile preparations, failure to comply with

multiple provisions of United States Pharmacopeia
(USP) Chapter 797 (beyond-use dating and refrigerated

storage), failure to remove expired products from active
inventory, and improper distribution of compounded

preparations to another pharmacy.

Robert Allen Ray (PST.011612): Assessed a fine of

$5,000 plus administrative costs; for 11 counts, as

owner of Ray’s Apothecary Pharmacy and Ray’s Pharmacy,

including failure to employ qualified personnel
to compound high-risk sterile preparations and failure
to remove misbranded drug preparations (compounded
preparations transferred from one pharmacy to another)

from active inventory.

Noemi Amber Ray (CPT.003226): Assessed a fine of

$250 plus administrative costs; for 12 counts, while
practicing at Ray’s Apothecary Pharmacy, including

compounding high-risk sterile preparations and failure

to comply with multiple provisions of USP Chapter 797.

Harmony Kay Ates (CPT.010435): A ssessed a fi ne o f

$250 plus administrative costs; for 12 counts, while
practicing at Ray’s Apothecary Pharmacy, including

compounding high-risk sterile preparations, and failure

to comply with multiple provisions of USP Chapter 797.

Nicole Ann Simmons Spurlin (CPT.010935): Assessed

a fine of $250 plus administrative costs; for 12 counts,
while practicing at Ray’s Apothecary Pharmacy, including

compounding high-risk sterile preparations,

and failure to comply with multiple provisions of USP

Chapter 797.

Kimm Rogers (PST.013660): Accepted voluntary surrender,

resulting in active suspension of the license for an
indefinite period of time, effective November 14, 2013
Lauren Ashley Guess (CPT.010910): Accepted voluntary

surrender, resulting in active suspension of the
certificate for an indefinite period of time, effective
December 4, 2013.
Hoa Thi Pham (PNT.046513): Accepted voluntary surrender,

resulting in active suspension of the registration
for an indefinite period of time, effective December 12,
Randy Wayne Owers (PST.018354): Accepted voluntary

surrender, resulting in active suspension of the license
for an indefinite period of time, effective December 18,
Noel Gerard Faucheux (PST.011765): Granted request

for reinstatement of the previously suspended license,

converted the duration of the suspensive period from
an indefinite period of time to a term of 10 years and

suspended the execution of the suspension, then placed
the license on probation for 10 years, effective February

12, 2014, subject to certain terms enumerated in the

consent agreement.
Randi Lea Cassidy (CPT.010273): Board granted request

for reinstatement of the previously suspended certificate,
converted the duration of the suspensive period from an
indefinite term to a term of five years and suspended the

execution of the suspension, then placed the certificate

on probation for five years, effective February 12, 2014,
subject to certain terms enumerated in the consent

Douglas Christopher Montecino (PST.015620): Granted

request for removal of all probationary terms and restored

license to active and unrestricted status.
Leon Jacob Barker (PST.011293): Suspended the license

for 10 years and suspended the execution of the suspension,

then placed the license on probation for 10 years,
effective February 12, 2014, subject to certain terms
enumerated in the consent agreement.
Louis Charles Gambina (PST.011145): Granted request

for reinstatement of the previously suspended license,

converted the duration of the suspensive period from an
indefinite term to a term of two years and suspended

the execution of the suspension, then placed the license

on probation for two years, effective February 12, 2014,
subject to certain terms enumerated in the consent
agreement, and further, assessed a fine of $2,500 plus
investigative costs.
Charles Fredrick Bruce (PST.017793): Granted request

for removal of prior prohibition on acceptance of PIC

appointments and restored the license to active and

unrestricted status.
Patrick Glen Andrus (PST.014226): Denied request for

removal of probationary restrictions.
Orenthal James Carter (PST.018123): Suspended the

license for four years, three months, and two days and
suspended the execution of the suspension, then placed
the license on probation for four years, three months, and
two days, effective February 12, 2014, subject to certain
terms enumerated in the consent agreement, and further,

assessed administrative costs; for one count arising from

disciplinary action taken by the Alabama State Board

of Pharmacy against his Alabama pharmacist license.
Precision Pharmacy, LLC, dba Precision Pharmacy
(PHY.006219-NR): Suspended the pharmacy permit

for three years and suspended the execution of the suspension,

then placed the pharmacy permit on probation
for three years, effective February 12, 2012, subject to
certain terms enumerated in the consent agreement, and
further, assessed a fine of $10,000 plus administrative
costs; for four counts, including shipping prescription

medications to Louisiana without a permit.
Main Street Family Pharmacy, LLC, dba Main Street
Family Pharmacy (PHY.006371-NR): Accepted voluntary

surrender, resulting in active suspension of the
pharmacy permit for an indefinite period of time, effective

December 12, 2013.
Alex Anthony Capace (PST.013422): Accepted voluntary

surrender, resulting in active suspension of the license
for an indefinite period of time, effective December
12, 2013.
Tara Lynn LeBlanc (CPT.010220): Accepted voluntary

surrender, resulting in active suspension of the certificate

for an indefinite period of time, effective December
20, 2013.
Chelsey Andria Stevenson (CPT.011760): Accepted

voluntary surrender, resulting in active suspension of
the certificate for an indefinite period of time, effective

February 7, 2014.
Starns Pharmacy, LLC, dba Starns Pharmacy
(CDS.042068): Accepted voluntary surrender, resulting

in active suspension of the controlled dangerous
substances (CDS) license for an indefinite period of
time, effective January 7, 2014.

During the same meeting, the Board granted approval
for the reinstatement of an expired certificate for one technician,

as well as conditional approval for the reinstatement

of an expired license for one pharmacist, pending
satisfaction of certain terms enumerated in their consent

agreement. The Board also issued letters of reprimand to

one pharmacist, one technician, and the owner of one pharmacy

permit, and further, suspended the CDS licenses for

three physicians whose medical licenses were suspended
by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners and
for another physician who surrendered his federal Drug

Enforcement Administration registration.
Calendar Notes (14-04-463)
The next Board meeting and administrative hearing will

be held on May 7-8, 2014, at the Board office. The office

will be closed April 18, in observance of Good Friday;
May 26, in observance of Memorial Day; and July 4, in

observance of Independence Day.
Special Note (14-04-464)
The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Newsletter is considered

an official method of notification to pharmacies,
pharmacists, pharmacy interns, pharmacy technicians,

and pharmacy technician candidates credentialed by the
Board. These Newsletters will be used in administrative

hearings as proof of notification. Please read them carefully.

The Board encourages you to keep them in the back
of the Louisiana Pharmacy Law Book for future reference

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