
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Status Report on Rulemaking

Status Report on Rulemaking

Activities (14-04-461)

The Board continues to promulgate new rules as well

as revisions to existing rules. For its clients who have

given the Board their e-mail addresses, the Board sends

electronic Notices of Rulemaking Activity about these


♦Regulatory Project 2013-1 ~ Compounding for Prescriber

Use. The Board has republished the emergency

rule that places limits on the amount of compounding

for prescriber use a pharmacy may prepare without

a patient-specific prescription. The Board’s Regulation

Revision Committee is working on a proposal

that includes new legislative language and includes

some of the comments and testimony from the public

hearing. You can follow the progress of that proposal

in the Public Notices section of the Board’s website.

♦Regulatory Proposal 2014-A ~ PMP Delegates. The

Board gave preliminary approval to this proposal,

which will authorize prescribers and dispensers to

appoint delegates for the purpose of retrieving information

about their patients from the Prescription

Monitoring Program (PMP) database, but only according

to rules promulgated by the Board for that

purpose. The Board will conduct a public hearing

to receive comments and testimony on the proposal.

Look for the electronic Notice of Rulemaking Activity

for the specific date of the hearing. You can follow the

progress of this proposal in the Public Notices section

of the Board’s website.

♦Regulatory Proposal 2014-B ~ Veterinarian Exclusion

from PMP. The Board gave preliminary approval to

this proposal, which will exclude veterinarians from

participating in the PMP. The Board will conduct a

public hearing to receive comments and testimony on

the proposal. Look for the electronic Notice of Rulemaking

Activity for t he specific d ate of t he hearing.

You can follow the progress of this proposal in the

Public Notices section of the Board’s website.

quoted from here

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