
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blood-horse--Tygart: Parallels Between Olympics, Racing

The chief executive officer of the United States Anti-Doping Agency said there are parallels between issues facing the U.S. horse industry and the Olympics when it comes to ensuring the integrity of those sports, specifically with regard to oversight on medications.
Travis Tygart was in Lexington April 14 to speak to a group of about 50 horse industry stakeholders brought together for an informational meeting organized by the Water Hay Oats Alliance. WHOA has a mission to stop race-day medication, including the anti-bleeding drug furosemide.
Among those present for Tygart's presentation were a diverse group of equine industry professionals, including farm owners, breeders, owners, stable managers, equine insurance professionals, regulators, and trainers.
In a Congressional bill known as the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act, which would create federal regulation of drug use in horse racing, USADA has been designated as the agency responsible for oversight. USADA, a private, not-for-profit company, is best known for its investigative work on the doping activities of cyclist Lance Armstrong and his teammates.
Tygart said his company agreed when asked by Congress to be included for consideration as the drug oversight body for any federal legislation regulating horse racing.
"We got asked by Congress, at no initiation by us, if we were willing to be named in a piece of federal legislation," said Tygart, whose company receives some federal funding as a result of its role within the Olympics drug oversight role. "We said we are in the business of protecting sport; horse racing doesn't fall under our mission, but we believe all sport should be safe, clean, and held to a standard that is fairly and evenly enforced. So we said, 'Congress, if you are asking us to do this, we will consider it as we move forward.' "


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