
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

AFL Implements Its Own List Of Banned Substances for horse racing

In a case of closing the gate after the horse has bolted, the AFL has revealed its own list of banned substances, which includes processes and substances that are not on the World Anti-Doping Agency banned list. The list is a part of the wider-ranging anti-doping code the AFL implemented in an attempt to beef up the standards and practices of testing in order to better avoid calamitous situations such as the still-ongoing Essendon situation that totally dominated the past season, and still threatens to cast a shadow over the current one.

With the chief problem in the ASADA investigations across the past 14 months seemingly being a lack of clarification on just about every key substance and process involved, the new list provides comprehensive and clear assertion that substances, including the much mysterious AOD-9604, is now “officially” banned, as far as the AFL is concerned. Though they have not conducted independent scientific analysis into the benefits or risk associated with the drug, the League has, instead, chosen to apply common sense and outlawed it based on the fact that keeping iffy things out of the game is probably for the best on a long-term basis.

Other peptides included on the AFL’s list include a bunch of stuff with acronyms I don’t recognise, but am going to have a lot of fun making up meanings for right now, such as GHRP-2 (Get Huge, Rot Pancreas), CJC 1295 (Columbian Jungle Crystals) as well as Intravenous Vitamin C, Intravenous Antioxidants, and something called TA65 (That Ass).

Players or officials found to have transgressed the unwritten rule new set of guidelines will be thrown at the mercy of the AFL’s fearsome judicial system, which includes the game’s highest authority, the AFL commission.

This new set of guidelines does have the potential to stop enormous errors like the Essendon saga from happening, or at the very least discourages it. But above all else it sure as hell safeguards the AFL and its executives from any excessive embarrassment or career jeopardy should it happen again. Because after all, saving face is the most important thing, right?

via Herald Sun.


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