
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wyoming Board of Pharmacy with focus on Compounding during 2014 inspections!

Compliance Corner

 By Richard Burton, RPh, and Hank York, RPh

The focus of inspections of pharmacies in 2014 will include

the following:

♦♦ Sterile compounding policies and procedures for cleaning and

disinfecting the primary and secondary engineering controls,

aseptic technique, safety, quality assurance, and personnel


♦♦ Sterile and nonsterile compounding training and competency

documentation and reconciliation of all ingredients utilized.

♦♦ Emergency drug box policy and procedures for pharmacies

supplying such.

 ♦♦ Immunization practices and private space compliance with

revised rules.

♦♦ Proper maintenance of all required pharmacy records.

♦♦ Counseling
quoted from here

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