
Sunday, March 30, 2014

University of Texas 26th Annual Health Law Conference Scheduled for April 9, 10-11, 2014 15 hours CLE for Texas and 18 hours for Oklahoma Lawyers-including section on compounding pharmacy law

26th Annual

Health Law Conference

Houston Apr 9*, 10-11, 2014 – Four Seasons Hotel
*Pre-Conference Concurrent Sessions
$595 Individual  |  $645 after Apr 2
Also available as: Materials, In-House CLE


BakerHostetler LLP
Beatty Bangle Strama P.C.
Brown & Fortunato, P.C.
Cox Smith
Gray Reed & McGraw, P.C.
Husch Blackwell LLP
Jackson Walker L.L.P.
King & Spalding
Locke Lord LLP
Norton Rose Fulbright
Polsinelli PC
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Strasburger & Price, LLP
Program Features
UT Law’s 26th Annual Health Law Conference brings together leading in-house attorneys from major hospitals and medical institutions, government officials, as well as legal and financial advisors representing hospitals, healthcare providers and physicians.
The conference provides practical and detailed coverage of the updates, key issues, strategies and opportunities facing members of the healthcare community, including:
  • Wednesday evening Pre-Conference Concurrent Sessions—Health Law Fundamentals provides an introduction to health law; and In-House Counsel Issues (limited to in-house counsel only) facilitates active discussion and sharing among panelists and participants
  • Healthcare Year-in-Review addresses important healthcare developments in the last year, including regulatory changes and policy initiatives
  • Learn strategies for navigating through a healthcare breach investigation and how to report it
  • Examine the complex and difficult pressures facing physicians in diverse environments and learn options to prepare your physician client for the future
  • Look at the new age of  False Claims Act enforcement and investigation, including lessons learned from landmark cases such as Tuomey, Bradford, Halifax, All Children’s and Citizens
  • Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Texas discusses current news-making topics  as well as other issues affecting healthcare providers and insurers
  • Explore the ethical dilemmas most commonly encountered by health lawyers, both in transactions and operations
  • Multiple networking opportunities including Thursday’s Table Topics Luncheon and the Thursday Evening Reception


Wednesday Evening, Apr. 9, 2014

Please select on registration form. Each session includes a 15-minute break.

6:00 pm
Registration Opens

Health Law Fundamentals

7:00 pm
2.00 hrs
Health Law Fundamentals
An introduction to basic health law with an emphasis on fraud and abuse, managed healthcare and Medicare reimbursement issues.

Kenneth J. Kramer, Texas Health Resources - Arlington, TX
Edgar C. Morrison Jr., Jackson Walker L.L.P. - San Antonio, TX
9:15 pm

In-House Counsel Issues

7:00 pm
2.00 hrs
0.50 hr ethics
In-House Counsel Issues
Limited to in-house counsel only to involve active discussion and sharing among the panelists and participants. Topics discussed include implementation of Affordable Care Act, health information privacy and security post-Omnibus Rule, physician contracting and compliance concerns, risk management and litigation and the nature of relationships with outside counsel, including billing.

Moderator: Robert F. Corrigan Jr., Baylor College of Medicine - Houston, TX
Panelist: Andy G. Navarro, Christus Health - Irving, TX
Panelist: Pamela D. Tyner, Houston Methodist - Houston, TX
9:15 pm

Thursday Morning, Apr. 10, 2014

Presiding Officer:
Yvonne K. Puig, Norton Rose Fulbright - Austin, TX

7:30 am
Registration Opens
Includes continental breakfast.

8:20 am
Welcoming Remarks

8:30 am
1.25 hrs
Healthcare Year-in-Review
An entertaining and informative overview of important healthcare developments in the past year, including regulatory changes, politics and policy initiatives.

Jack S. Schroder Jr., Retired, Alston & Bird LLP - Big Canoe, GA
9:45 am
0.75 hr
The Physician’s Future: An Examination of the Continuum of Options for Physician Relationships
Physicians are facing overwhelming changes in clinical reimbursement, ancillary service options, practice structures, as well as the constant drumbeat of hospital and insurer consolidation. Evaluate the pressures on physicians and examine the options available to physicians as they try to make their way in this new world. What are the pluses and minuses of employment by non-physicians and the different possible types of employers? Are ACO’s a viable option for all specialties? Is it possible to remain independent through affiliations with the employers, as in co-management agreements or personal service arrangements? How can the lawyer help the physician client make these very complex and difficult decisions? The physician world will look very different in 5 years and this session assists the lawyer in preparing their clients for that future.

David W. Hilgers, Husch Blackwell LLP - Austin, TX
Sidney S. Welch, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP - Atlanta, GA
10:30 am

10:45 am
0.75 hr
Clinical Integration/Networks
Demands for high quality, efficient healthcare, coupled with the regulatory waivers granted to MSSP ACO’s, have led health organizations to take a new look at physician-hospital networks. A look at antitrust and other regulatory issues related to structuring and operating these networks.

Bernard A. Duco Jr., Memorial Hermann Health System - Houston, TX
Matthew J. Reilly, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP - Washington, DC
11:30 am
0.75 hr
Data Privacy and Security: Anatomy of a Healthcare Breach Investigation and Reporting
With the rising popularity of electronic health records and electronic data repositories, the risk of a substantial data breach is increasing. Healthcare organizations should have a process in place now to respond quickly to a potential breach. Learn how to navigate through the investigation and reporting of a sample breach of health information.

Kristen B. Rosati, Polsinelli PC - Phoenix, AZ
12:15 pm

Thursday Afternoon, Apr. 10, 2014

Presiding Officer:
Gary W. Eiland, King & Spalding - Houston, TX

Optional Table Topics Luncheon
Discussion groups with conference faculty and registrants. See registration form to select a Table Topic and purchase your ticket for lunch.

TOPIC A: What They Didn’t Teach You in Law School: Top 10 Tips for New Attorneys

12:30 pm
TOPIC A: What They Didn’t Teach You in Law School: Top 10 Tips for New Attorneys

TOPIC B: HIPAA: The Saga Continues

12:30 pm
TOPIC B: HIPAA: The Saga Continues

TOPIC C: Lightning Round: Tips and Trends in Operations

12:30 pm
TOPIC C: Lightning Round: Tips and Trends in Operations

TOPIC D: What’s New in the Transactional World?

12:30 pm
TOPIC D: What’s New in the Transactional World?

1:15 pm

1:30 pm
0.75 hr
Healthcare Transactions in a Post-Reform World
Like most aspects of healthcare, the Affordable Care Act is transforming M&A transactions. Hear what's hot in M&A and what you need to know for your next transaction.

Douglas K. Anning, Polsinelli PC - Kansas City, MO
Paul Alan Castanon, Tenet Healthcare Corporation - Dallas, TX
2:15 pm
1.00 hr
0.25 hr ethics
The New Age of False Claims Act Enforcement and Investigations
In 2013, the government reported a record-breaking 846 new FCA actions and approximately $4 billion in FCA judgments and settlements. These high stakes, coupled with the erosion of traditional FCA defenses, more streamlined government intervention decisions, and courts’ acceptance of novel theories of FCA liability, have changed the landscape for FCA enforcement. Get a closer look at this new age of FCA enforcement and investigations and what it means for the healthcare industry.

B. Scott McBride, BakerHostetler - Houston, TX
Adam Robison, King & Spalding - Houston, TX
3:15 pm

3:30 pm
1.25 hrs
When the Stark Law Meets the FCA: Lessons Learned from Tuomey, Bradford, Halifax, All Children’s, and Citizens
An exploration of developing FCA and other case law related to hospital compensation arrangements with physicians, including what constitutes fair market value; when does compensation take into account the value and volume of referrals; and what does commercial reasonableness mean? Gain/learn practical lessons learned from the ongoing litigation.

S. Craig Holden, Ober Kaler - Baltimore, MD
Kevin G. McAnaney, Law Office of Kevin McAnaney - Washington, DC
4:45 pm
0.75 hr
Labor and Employment Issues
Avoid labor pains by staying up to date on the latest employment law trends.

Connie L. Cornell, Cornell Smith Mierl & Brutocao, LLP - Austin, TX
5:30 pm
Adjourn to Reception
Thank You to Our Sponsors

Friday Morning, Apr. 11, 2014

Presiding Officer:
Mary M. Bearden, Brown & Fortunato, P.C. - Amarillo, TX

7:30 am
Conference Room Opens
Includes continental breakfast.

8:30 am
1.00 hr
Operational Impact of Significant Cases
An in-depth look at key legal developments and significant cases affecting healthcare operations, including credentialing and liability issues that impact hospitals and providers. A comprehensive review of recent decisions affecting the liabilities and duties of healthcare providers is also provided in the written materials.

Yvonne K. Puig, Norton Rose Fulbright - Austin, TX
9:30 am
0.75 hr
Compounding Pharmacy Issues
An overview of where compounding pharmacies fit in the continuum of patient care relative to drug manufacturers and retail pharmacies. State and federal laws and regulations relevant to compounding pharmacies are reviewed, including the new Drug Quality and Security Act.

John H. McEniry IV, mediStat Specialized Pharmacy Services - Foley, AL
David G. Miller, RPh, International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists - Alexandria, VA
10:15 am

10:30 am
1.00 hr
Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Texas
With a focus on the ACA and its impact on Texas from the perspective of providers, insurers and regulators, industry experts give insight on the topics that are currently making news, and discuss various ACA-related topics including Medicaid expansion, ACOs, the collision of state and federal law and actions, network adequacy, delivery reform initiatives in various states, and regulatory issues impacting healthcare providers and insurers.

Moderator: Kathy L. Poppitt, Cox Smith - Austin, TX
Panelist: Michelle Apodaca, Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP - Austin, TX
Panelist: Susan Feigin Harris, Baker & Hostetler LLP - Houston, TX
Panelist: Patricia McCandless, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas - Austin, TX
11:30 am
1.00 hr ethics
Ethics Roundtable
Explore the ethical dilemmas most commonly encountered by health lawyers, both in transactions and operations.

Moderator: Brenda T. Strama, Beatty Bangle Strama PC - Austin, TX
Panelist: Michael P. Maslanka, Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLP - Dallas, TX
Panelist: Thomas H. Watkins, Husch Blackwell LLP - Austin, TX
12:30 pm


Conference Faculty

Douglas K. Anning
Polsinelli PC
Kansas City, MO
Michelle Apodaca
Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP
Austin, TX
Paul Alan Castanon
Tenet Healthcare Corporation
Dallas, TX
Connie L. Cornell
Cornell Smith Mierl & Brutocao, LLP
Austin, TX
Robert F. Corrigan Jr.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX
Bernard A. Duco Jr.
Memorial Hermann Health System
Houston, TX
Susan Feigin Harris
Baker & Hostetler LLP
Houston, TX
David W. Hilgers
Husch Blackwell LLP
Austin, TX
S. Craig Holden
Ober Kaler
Baltimore, MD
Kenneth J. Kramer
Texas Health Resources
Arlington, TX
Michael P. Maslanka
Constangy, Brooks & Smith, LLP
Dallas, TX
Kevin G. McAnaney
Law Office of Kevin McAnaney
Washington, DC
B. Scott McBride
Houston, TX
Patricia McCandless
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
Austin, TX
John H. McEniry IV
mediStat Specialized Pharmacy Services
Foley, AL
David G. Miller, RPh
International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists
Alexandria, VA
Edgar C. Morrison Jr.
Jackson Walker L.L.P.
San Antonio, TX
Andy G. Navarro
Christus Health
Irving, TX
Kathy L. Poppitt
Cox Smith
Austin, TX
Yvonne K. Puig
Norton Rose Fulbright
Austin, TX
Matthew J. Reilly
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Washington, DC
Adam Robison
King & Spalding
Houston, TX
Kristen B. Rosati
Polsinelli PC
Phoenix, AZ
Jack S. Schroder Jr.
Retired, Alston & Bird LLP
Big Canoe, GA
Brenda T. Strama
Beatty Bangle Strama PC
Austin, TX
Pamela D. Tyner
Houston Methodist
Houston, TX
Thomas H. Watkins
Husch Blackwell LLP
Austin, TX
Sidney S. Welch
Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Atlanta, GA

Planning Committee

Yvonne K. Puig—Chair
Norton Rose Fulbright
Austin, TX
Mary M. Bearden
Brown & Fortunato, P.C.
Amarillo, TX
Teresa Burroff
Seton Healthcare Family
Austin, TX
Robert F. Corrigan Jr.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX
Sheryl T. Dacso
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Houston, TX
Bernard A. Duco Jr.
Memorial Hermann Health System
Houston, TX
Gary W. Eiland
King & Spalding
Houston, TX
Susan Feigin Harris
Baker & Hostetler LLP
Houston, TX
Jonathan Kiesler Henderson
Polsinelli PC
Dallas, TX
David W. Hilgers
Husch Blackwell LLP
Austin, TX
Hal S. Katz
Husch Blackwell LLP
Austin, TX
B. Scott McBride
Houston, TX
John W. McNey
Cook Children's Health Care System
Fort Worth, TX
Andrew N. Meyercord
Gray Reed & McGraw, P.C.
Dallas, TX
Stuart Farrell Miller
Strasburger & Price
Houston, TX
Edgar C. Morrison Jr.
Jackson Walker L.L.P.
San Antonio, TX
Kathy L. Poppitt
Cox Smith
Austin, TX
Kevin A. Reed
Reed, Claymon, Meeker & Hargett, PLLC
Austin, TX
Elizabeth N. Rogers
Attorney at Law
Austin, TX
Daniel Zachary Sternthal
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Houston, TX
Brenda T. Strama
Beatty Bangle Strama PC
Austin, TX
Kenya S. Woodruff
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Dallas, TX

Credit Information

MCLE Credit

15.00 hrs  |  2.50 hrs Ethics
Legal Specialization(s): Health Law
Additional Information

Live Conferences:
A Texas MCLE Reporting Form will be included in your course materials. Please complete and return to the registration desk and UT Law CLE will report credit on your behalf to the State Bar of Texas, or you can self-report your credit directly to the State Bar of Texas at A Certificate of Attendance will be provided at the conference to keep for your records.

Webcasts: UT Law CLE will report credit to the State Bar of Texas on your behalf. If you are claiming credit in the last week of your birth month, self-report your credit directly to the State Bar of Texas at A Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you upon claiming credit.
15.00 hrs  |  2.50 hrs Ethics
Additional Information
Live Conferences: At the conference, you will need to sign in on the Record of Attendance form at the registration desk. Self-report your CLE credit directly to the State Bar of California at You will receive a Certificate of Attendance at the conference to keep for your records. UT Law CLE will maintain Attendance Records for four years.

Webcasts: Self-report your CLE credit directly to the State Bar of California at Print and keep the Certificate of Completion for your records. A Certificate of Completion will be emailed to you upon claiming credit.
18.00 hrs  |  3.00 hrs Ethics
Additional Information
At the conference, you will need to sign in on the Record of Attendance form at the registration desk. UT Law CLE will report credit on your behalf to the Oklahoma Bar Association within 30 days after the conference. You will receive a Certificate of Attendance at the conference to keep for your records.
Other States
Many jurisdictions accept conferences offered by The University of Texas School of Law, and approved by the State Bar of Texas, for CLE credit. Please check with your jurisdiction's regulatory authority. A Certificate of Attendance and credit reporting documentation will be provided at the conference.

Other Credit

TX Accounting CPE
18.00 hrs

Key Dates


  • Last day for Individual early registration: Apr 2, 2014
    Add $50 for registrations received after this time
  • Last day for cancellation (full refund): Apr 4, 2014
  • Last day for cancellation (partial refund): Apr 7, 2014
    $50 processing fee applied

Hotel / Venue


Four Seasons Hotel 1300 Lamar St
Houston, TX
713-650-1300 (reservations)


Reserve your room online.

Parking Information

Valet $15 per day; Overnight Valet $30; Self-parking available in nearby lots

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