
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Second Question of the Day March 18, 2014 In previous post and attorney points out that not enough states have passed new legislation in light of the NECC outbreak. I have posed this question before but it is one that I must continue to pose: When if ever will state boards of pharmacy enfore the laws on their books against compounding pharmacies? IACP advocated that the regulation should be left with the states, but most states have done very little since NECC to rein in bad compounders and enforce the laws in their states. Don't state boards of pharmacies and employees of the state board of pharmacy realize that by not stepping up enforcement they are running not only the risk of another NECC like outbreak but also doing a disserve to the compounders in their state who do follow the rules?


1 comment:

  1. Rhetorical question? Massachusetts pointed the finger at FDA, FDA pointed the finger at the state board. IMO, the state board should be held fully accountable.
