
Thursday, March 27, 2014

PETA Video Fallout and Horse Doping Issues Continue to be a huge topic--Here are Some Must Reads for those Dealing With Horse Doping and Veterinary Compounding Issues

PETA video fallout and reaction continues:
>>> Zayat press release: "Then Scott Blasi texted me Friday night ... 'I want to apologize ... I was clearly under the influence of alcohol and a woman."
>>> Ehalt: "The report has been both hailed and assailed ... And the truth is somewhere in the middle."
>>> Pricci: "Racing on hay, oats and water is the only remedy that's acceptable now, the general public will demand no less, nor should they."
>>> PETA VP: "It's time for the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to step in and clean up the thoroughbred racing industry's addiction to drugs."
>>> Sulky side blog: "So based on the reaction thus far, can we draw any conclusions for harness racing?"
>>> MacAdam: "All ripping PETA does is deflect attention from the fact that racing continues to be its own worst enemy."
>>> Towers' Pull the Pocket blog offer some on-going commentary
>>> Scribe from the New Orleans area: Thought, feelings, observations on Asumussen video scandal
>>> Noonan: Yet another wake-up call for racing>>> Owner Zayat transferring horses from Asmussen stable
>>> The Atlantic/Cohen: The ugly truth about horse racing... An expose by PETA, published in The New York Times, shows a side of the sport that the industry has tried hard to shield from public view
>>> Jicha: "If this forces racing to step up and finally take meaningful action to clean up the game, it could be worth this latest embarrassment. The question is how."
>>> Scott: "One thing is certain - the time remaining for racing to put its house in order, on more or less its own terms, just got a whole lot shorter."
>>> TDN commentary: "What is required right now is for tracks and owners to sit down and write our Declaration of Independence."
>>> Top Australian vet suggests common practices in the US racing are alarming by international standards 

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