Thursday, March 6, 2014

MUST READ!! Safely Save Money on Horse Drugs Not all horse medicines are created equally, and neither are compounding pharmacies. By Grant Miller,DVM

When your horse becomes sick, the bills begin to pile up. The veterinary fees are bad enough, but you understand that there’s equipment to pay for and support staff to be paid.
But what about the drugs? What if your horse must take a drug for the rest of his life? Is there a way to save money? And can you use “old drugs”? Download this entire article as a PDF here.
Old Drugs
I’ve had clients hand me a dusty old bottle of medicine and ask, “Is this any good?”  Here’s the thing: An expired product might be ineffective, or worse, could be unsafe.  Be wary of anything contaminated by hair, dirt or even your hand. Drugs and chemicals can become toxic with time, so if you’re not sure, ask your veterinarian and provide specific information as the name of the drug, how you stored it and its expiration date. Products not stored according to label instructions, such as “Store between 20° and 25° C (68° to 77° F). Protect from excessive moisture.” That means, if you’ve kept in your unheated tack room all winter long, you’ve probably ruined the medication.
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