Thursday, March 6, 2014

'Doping scandal' show jumping tablet confirmed as sedative

A tablet found at a junior show jumping championship hit by a doping scandal was a fast-acting horse sedative, Jersey Police confirmed today.
Officers who were called in to investigate claims that a mother doped rival ponies to help her child win a young show jumper of the year award say no one will be charged because Jersey laws have not been broken.
Following suspicions of foul play, blood tests were carried out on two ponies by analysts for the Jersey government.
The results are expected next week.
A police spokeswoman said: "The analysts confirmed that the tablet they found was acetylpromazine (ACP).
"They also took blood samples from two horses. They are being worked on and the results are expected next week."
The British Show Jumping Association (BSJA) is expected to take a keen interest in the results.
Its Jersey branch alerted police after spotting that ponies were unusually lethargic at Saturday's junior championships.
The under-16s event in St Lawrence, Jersey, was immediately cancelled for safety reasons.
One woman claimed she saw something drop from a pony's mouth and found an acetylpromazine sedative tablet on the ground.
An offence of bringing the sport into disrepute would, if proved, be punishable with a fine or suspension, the BSJA said.
ACP is a sedative used by vets to calm nervous horses for purposes such as clipping.
Depending on the dosage and the animal, ACP will start working within 30 minutes and have its strongest effect after one or two hours.
ACP is often provided in oral form to owners so they can give it to their animals in the appropriate doses.

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