
Friday, February 14, 2014

Thread With Comments from Barrel Racing World Is Making Some Great Points About John Stinebaugh's suspension, contamination of compounded preparations, and the actions of the pharmacy and the vets

Posted by TrailGirl:
1. The fact that a "Cinnamon-Ginseng"  powder could become incidentally "contaminated" with a synthetic drug whose original purpose was the reduction of systemic blood pressure...and then that contaminated powder was then coincidentally mixed into a paste designed to help control bleeding in race horses.
--Uh...that's some serendipity right there.  I mean...why "contaminated" with Sildenafil...why not lead or arsenic or mercury or some non-synthetic compound...or why not any other drug that doesn't just "happen" to have the desired effect?

2.  The veterinarian statment that he repeatedly asked the compounding pharmacist if the paste contained Viagra...specifically... over and over.  Um...this particular "contamination" hadn't been documented before.  The way I understand the timeline...the Illinois case occurred about the same time.  From the same source Pharmacy.  Why would he ask about that particular drug...and not any other?

And when you read the statements from the compounding pharmacist. It sounds like he is essentially alluding to the fact that he gives the vets what they are asking for...and it's not up to him to decide what to put in the compounded drugs...that's up to the vets.

Maybe I'm too much of a cynic...but I think they knew **** well that the drug was in there.  They just came up with a way to deflect blame if the crap hit the air circulator.

In the distance CTR I used to compete in...there are many substances that are not allowed and we do test.  One time a horse came back positive for bute.  When confronted with the disqualifying/penalty incurring positive test results the rider declared that it must have been residual and accidental.  That she would recycle old empty bute syringes to administer electrolytes to her horse.  That she must not have rinsed it well enough.  Um...that's either a really dumb idea to do that for a competition when you know the rules...or its a clever way to try to deflect blame and get out of any consequences in the event you are busted.  I see a great similarity here with this "contamination" of sildenafil.  JMO

You are not cynical at all more of a good detective!  Like I said I hate Weatherford Compounding!  You are spot on with your perception.

1.  I have been to many manufacturing facilities in China and to us Americans they may not seem very clean but they seem to pass FDA inspections when they need to.  If a machine is cleaned properly following GMP guidelines there will never be cross contamination.  All ingredients need to have a certificate of analysis for all ingredients.  The reason the ingredients are shipped from China to Canada first is because it is easier to smuggle illegal ingredients into the USA from Canada.  Like I have been saying for years this is how illegal Bute is smuggled into the USA.  Sildenfil has been being used in QH racing for a few years.  Almost all trainers knew about it.  What are the chances the compounded ingredient was contaminated with an enhancer and not some other ingredient?

2.  I call BS on the Vet asking the compounder if the paste contained Viagra over and over.  Why would the Vet be asking about a random ingredient and not XYZ?

Illegal compounding (Using non-FDA approved pharamaceuticals raw materials) is all about Greed by compounders and Veterinarians!

quoted from here


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