Friday, February 21, 2014

New Mexico passes bill to crack down on horse racing cheaters; Governor Will Sign Bill Into Law Within Next Three Weeks

By Rob Nikolewski on February 21, 2014
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By Rob Nikolewski │ New Mexico Watchdog
SANTA FE  – After developing a reputation as a haven for cheaters, New Mexico is trying to clean up its act when it comes to horse racing.
In the just-completed 30-day legislative session, lawmakers in Santa Fe, lawmakers passed a bill aimed at cracking down on trainers and owners who dope their horses with performance-enhancing drugs.
“I say that horse racing is the sport of kings and we don’t want it to be the sport of cheaters,” said Sen. Mary Kay Papen, D-Las Cruces, of Senate Bill 116, which passed both chambers of the New Mexico legislature unanimously. Gov. Susana Martinez has indicated she will sign the bill into law in the within the next three weeks.
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