
Thursday, February 27, 2014

MUST READ! The Register's editorial: Pharmacy Board forgets it's to serve the public

Iowa has dozens of state boards responsible for licensing everyone from cosmetologists and doctors to hearing aid technicians and athletic trainers. The primary mission of these boards is supposed to be protecting the public health and safety.
That means they are supposed to ensure licensed workers meet the state’s educational requirements and abide by the regulations the state establishes for these occupations. The boards are supposed to issue cease-and-desist orders to those not abiding by the rules and respond to complaints from consumers.
Though these complaints are not public when they are initially filed, if the board investigates and decides to file a “statement of charges” against the license holder, those charges become a public document. The board’s subsequent decision in the case — whether that is dismissal of charges, the imposition of sanctions or the revocation of the person’s state license — are also public documents.
continue to read here

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