
Thursday, February 27, 2014

More information from IACP on documents submitted to FDA and reminder of March 4, 2014 deadline to file your own nominations

There are four submission letters for each type of compounder – a pharmacy or an outsourcing facility. One is a nomination letter that submits all homeopathic medications. One is a nomination letter requesting acceptance of drug monographs and standards in alternative compendia (e.g., the British Pharmacopeia). One is a nomination letter requesting acceptance of all nutritional/dietary supplements and food chemicals that appear in USP publications other than the official USP/NF. One is a nomination letter and spreadsheet of more than 2,400 drug substances. That spreadsheet was created by the IACP Foundation leadership and without the Foundation’s expertise in research, education and quality, we could not have assembled such an extensive set of documentation in the very short timeline provided to us by the FDA.
What can YOU do? 
The more submissions the FDA and the Pharmacy Compounding Advisory Committee receives, the greater the likelihood that they will initiate a review of the nominated bulk ingredient. It’s simple.  We’ve done the hard work…all you have to do is take the language in our submissions, put it on your own letterhead, and follow the instructions further down on how to file your own nomination electronically with the FDA.
Remember, the deadline is before midnight on Tuesday, March 4, 2014.

quoted from and more information found here

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