
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Missouri Board of Pharmacy Offers Good Tips Regarding Pharmcy Policies and Procedures: Are Your Pharmacies Policies and Procedures Up to Date?

Are Your Policies and Procedures Any


Inspectors continue to find violations relating to incomplete,

inaccurate, or missing policies and procedures.

Specifically, inspectors have observed an increasing

number of instances where:

♦ The pharmacy’s policies and procedures were outdated

or clearly conflicted with state or federal law.

♦ The written policy and procedure was distinctly

different from the policy and procedure actually

followed by pharmacy staff.

♦ Pharmacy staff were unaware of the pharmacy’s

policies and procedures or had never been trained on

pharmacy requirements. In some instances, pharmacy

staff reported never seeing the pharmacy’s policies

and procedures. In others, the pharmacy’s policies

and procedures were unopened and still in factory


Effective policies and procedures will promote consistency

and prevent compliance violations. Policies and

procedures should be reviewed on a regular basis and

updated as needed. However, even the best policies and

procedures are insufficient if pharmacy staff have not been

properly trained. Relevant changes should be shared and

discussed with pharmacy staff.

Generally, Missouri law requires the following policies

and procedures:

continue to read here

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