
Friday, February 28, 2014

Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Publishes Second Draft of Regulations Relating to office use or non patient specific compounds; new term is "pharmacy-generated drug"

2014-C ~ Amends Chapter 25 of the Board's rules, more specifically Subchapter C - Compounding of Drugs. Act 168 of the 2013 Legislature introduced a new term "pharmacy-generated drug" to describe a drug made by a pharmacy in response to a non patient-specific order.  Compounding is used to describe the process whereby a pharmacy makes a drug in response to a patient-specific order.  In addition to incorporating the new legislatively-defined term, the proposal also retains the basic elements of the currently-pending emergency rule and also incorporates suggestions and comments offered during public hearings on the emergency rule.
               11-13-2013 - Committee reviewed Draft #1 and requested further changes and discussion.
               02-06-2014 - Committee discussed further changes and requested new draft; Draft #2 prepared.
               02-25-2014 - Draft #2 scheduled for review by the committee.

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