
Monday, February 24, 2014

California Board of Pharmacy Revokes Precision Pharmacy's Licenses, then Stays Revocation, placing them on three Years of Probation-View Decision Here

Precision Pharmacy, LSC 99351, Administrative Case AC 3769
Bakersfield, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the Board, the licenses are revoked, the revocation is stayed, and the licensee is placed on probation for three years and subject to the terms and conditions as indicated in the attached decision.
Decision effective 02/11/2014.
View the decision
Precision Pharmacy, PHY 47310, Administrative Case AC 3769
Bakersfield, CA
Through a disciplinary action of the Board, the licenses are revoked, the revocation is stayed, and the licensee is placed on probation for three years and subject to the terms and conditions as indicated in the attached decision.
Decision effective 02/11/2014.
View the decision

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