
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Attorney For Warren Lee Hill Asks State To Find New Execution Law ‘Unconstitutional’

Manoj Varghese, attorney for death-row inmate Warren Lee Hill, says pharmacies that supply the execution drug pentobarbital aren't regulated by the FDA, so there is no way to ensure the drug won’t cause unusual pain and suffering.
A lawyer for death row inmate Warren Lee Hill is asking the state Supreme Court to find a new state law regarding executions unconstitutional.

The law makes information about the suppliers and manufacturers of the execution drug pentobarbital a confidential state secret.

Hill’s attorney, Manoj Varghese, told justices Monday the compounding pharmacies that supply the drug aren’t regulated by the FDA, so there is no way to ensure pentobarbital won’t cause unusual pain and suffering.

“There are a host of other issues, such as asphyxiation, pulmonary embolism, essentially the chocking and suffering as you’re dying,” said Varghese.

Justice David Nahmias questions that argument, saying there is no time for adverse effects to take place before an inmate dies.

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