
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Alabama Reminder to follow both state and federal law: Medicaid Rule No. 560-X-16-.20(5)

Alabama Medicaid Rule No. 560-X-16-
.20(5) Quantity Limitations
(5) Maintenance medications are those generally used to
treat chronic conditions or illnesses and are ordered/pre
scribed and taken regularly and continuously. Medicaid
recipients can obtain a three month supply of maintenance
medications as designated by the Agency. The patient
must first have demonstrated stability for at least 60
days (same strength and dose) on a given maintenance
medication. Only one co-pay is collected and only one
dispensing fee is paid for the three month supply. A list
of maintenance medications is available on the Medicaid
Medicaid has disseminated and posted guidance to the
Alabama Medicaid Agency website, which is very clear in that
pharmacists should always follow both state and federal phar
macy law. The Alabama Medicaid Agency guidance is avail
able on its website at
4.0_ Programs/4.5_ Pharmacy_ Services/4.5.4_ Drug _ Info/
and states the following: “Alabama State Board of Pharmacy 
law prohibits the quantity of a prescription to be changed
without prescriber approval. Approval from the prescriber
must be attained prior to dispensing a maintenance supply."
quoted from here

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