
Monday, January 6, 2014

Did compounded medications and healthcare reform affect your 2013 prescription drug plan results?

Posted by Chris Hanson-Ehlinger on Mon, Jan 06, 2014 @ 09:30 AM
In January many prescription drug plan sponsors look back at 2013 to examine cost trends, assess the impact of clinical programs and plan designs and begin planning for 2015. Most plans rely on standard management reports to help them measure performance. You’ll gain more insight into your plan if you request topic-specific custom reports from your PBM. For example, this year you may want to delve deeper into plan performance related to compounded medications and health care reform implications.
Compounded medications
For most plans, compounded prescriptions represent a relatively small portion of total claims submitted by pharmacies. For other plans, though, the trend for these prescriptions can be as high as 150 percent. Because compounded prescriptions can contain multiple medications, they do not fall neatly into any therapeutic category and are not typically captured in standard PBM management reports.
continue to read here

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