Friday, January 31, 2014

Arizona Board of Pharmacy update to Diamondback Inspection where possible misbrading or alteration of drug/ one sample sub-potent and certificate analysis for wrong drug is to issue an advisory letter to Diamondback Drug "encouraging them to purchase high quality compenents from reputable places and to validate the chemcials that they purchase."

Agenda Item 17 – Diamondback Drug Follow-Up Inspection

President Van Hassel asked Mr. Haiber and Mr. Waggoner to address this agenda item.

Mr. Haiber stated at the last Board Meeting the Board asked them to do a follow-up inspection.

Mr. Haiber stated that there was a possible misbranding or alteration of a drug. Mr. Haiber stated that they observed that one sample was sub-potent but was not contaminated.

Mr. Haiber stated that they have fixed issues found on the first inspection.

Mr. Van Hassel asked if there have been significant improvements. Mr. Waggoner stated that they are making the improvements suggested in the first inspection.

Dr. Musil asked about the Sodium Sulfate. Mr. Waggoner stated that the certificate analysis was for the wrong drug.

On motion by Dr. Musil and seconded by Mr. Francis, the Board unanimously agreed to

issue an advisory letter to Diamondback Drug encouraging them to purchase high quality components from reputable places and to validate the chemicals that they purchase.

quoted from here

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