
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Arizona Board of Pharmacy Minutes from December 17, 2013 Meeting: Verified Pharmacy Program where boards share inspection info



AGENDA ITEM 1 – Call to Order – December 17, 2013

President Van Hassel convened the meeting at 10:00 A.M. and welcomed the audience to the

The following Board Members were present telephonically: President Tom Van Hassel, Vice
President Jim Foy, William Francis, Darren Kennedy, Kyra Locnikar, and Nona Rosas. The
following staff members were present: Executive Director Hal Wand and Deputy Director
Cheryl Frush.

AGENDA ITEM 2 – Verified Pharmacy Program (VPP) Presentation

President Van Hassel opened the discussion by stating that Elizabeth Russell, Government
Affairs Manager for the National Association of Board of Pharmacy would give a brief
presentation concerning the VPP Program.

Ms. Russell stated that VPP was developed to provide an information sharing network for the
boards of pharmacy to use in sharing critical inspection and licensing data with their fellow
Boards. VPP also facilitates the non-resident pharmacy licensure transfer process.

Ms. Russell stated that the program is meant to enhance what the state boards of pharmacy
are already doing and assure that the boards have complete and accurate information for
making licensure decisions on pharmacies, both nonresident and resident.

Ms. Russell reviewed the definition of a “qualified inspection” and the inspection forms that
are available.

Ms. Russell reviewed the fees for the various types of inspections.

 State of Arizona 2 Board Meeting
Board of Pharmacy December 17, 2013

Mr. Van Hassel opened the discussion concerning the inspections. The Board Members
requested that the use of the VPP program or the use of a third party inspection process be placed
on the January meeting agenda for discussion.

AGENDA ITEM 3 – Call to the Public

President Van Hassel announced that interested parties have the opportunity at this time to
address issues of concern to the Board; however the Board may not discuss or resolve any issues
because the issues were not posted on the meeting agenda.

No one came forth.

AGENDA ITEM 4 – Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Board, President Van Hassel adjourned the
meeting at 10:25 A.M.

_______________________________ _________________________________
Tom Van Hassel, President Date Jim Foy, Vice President Date

Hal Wand, Executive Director Date

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