
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Transcript of IACP Questions and Answers from December 3, 2013 Meeting is now available

1 comment:

  1. So, as I read this, any physician (or hospital) who wants to obtain compounded medications for "office use" (i.e. - no patient-specific prescription before the drug is ordered) - needs to buy it from an OUTSOURCING FACILITY. No if's and's or but's.

    I hope state boards of medicine and boards of pharmacy are listening.

    Kenneth Woliner, MD

    Q: Under the new law, does a pharmacy wishing to compound a sterile non-patient specific product have to register under 503B?
    A: Exact quote from Jane Axelrad:
    “Section 503A was not changed by the new law and patient specific prescriptions are required under Section 503A. As you know, as you observe, 503B provides a pathway in which hospitals and health care professionals can purchase compounded drugs without prescriptions.”
    Q: Only under 503B can you provide non-patient specific product?
    A: Exact quote from Jane Axelrad: “If you want to qualify for the exemption under 503A.”
