
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Worst Scientific Mistakes, Missteps and Misdeeds Seeded by Colin Klein

Science is not immune to the foibles that plague ordinary, not-parked-at-a-lab-bench citizens. But mistakes made in a lab can be dangerous, and even deadly. Misleading or faulty scientific reports can send other scientists astray, wasting years of time and hard-earned research grants. Badly designed apps and poorly analyzed data can help lose a presidential election.
Every year, a number of scientists are caught in various forms of misbehavior. Now, some scientistseven study  the misdeeds of others. Here are some of the most notable examples of science-related errors, missteps and dishonesty in 2012, ranging from the mildly amusing to the truly deadly.

Pharmaceutical Distributor Contaminates Drug, Causes Outbreak
continue to read here

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