
Saturday, December 21, 2013

NEVADA STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY, Petitioner, NOTICE OF INTENDED ACTION v. AND ACCUSATION ANGELA LORENZO, P.A., Dispensing Registration No: #PD12166 Case No. 11-091-PD-S ANGELA LORENZO, P.A., Controlled Substance Registration No: CS12166 Case No. 11-091-CS-S KENTON CROWLEY, R.Ph., Certificate of Registration No: #15858 Case No. 11-091-RPH-S PATHWAY SPECIALITY COMPOUNDS, Certificate of Registration No: PH02590, Case No. 11-091-PH-S Respondents.

Thank you to Dr. Kenneth Woliner for the summary below on this case:

This physician assistant's supervising physician, Darby Clayson, MD, has yet to he disciplined (there is an Administrative Complaint on her, that has yet to be settled). The short story is that Ms. Lorenzo, a physician assistant, owned a business called "Modern Medical" where she hired Dr. Clayson to supervise her "in name only". Dr. Clayson was never at the clinic. Ms. Lorenzo would order cheaper Botox and Juvederm from a compounding pharmacy, when those products were actually contraband because they were originally sold in France, illegally re-imported to the USA, sold by an unlicensed wholesaler (without a Pedigree) to the compounding pharmacy, and the compounding pharmacy then sold these drugs to Ms. Lorenzo. Ironically, Ms. Lorenzo then (illegally) sold a portion of those drugs to a R.N., for her to independently use on her own patients (which is also illegal). In addition, Ms. Lorenzo injected compounded testosterone pellets improperly, causing at least one woman to develop testosterone levels as high as a man, she dispensed compounded hCG to patients without examination, allowed her unlicensed staff access to controlled substances and let them dispense drugs when she was away on vacation (in Hawaii), and altered medical records, fabricating pre-treatment testosterone levels on at least one patient, using cloned notes (same note, even though no examination was done) for over 150 patients.

Ms. Lorenzo got a Reprimand and Probation, but was allowed to keep her license. There is currently a whistleblower lawsuit against her by two former employees.

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