
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Florida Board of Pharmacy Disciplinary Action Against HVVP RX, LLC

HVVP Rx, LLC, PH 25109 – Seminole, FL
 Case No. 2013-06250 – PCP Fallon/Glass

Count One: Respondent violated Section 465.023(1)(c), F.S. (2012), by violating Rule 64B16-
28.820(3)(a), F.A.C.
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Count Two: Respondent violated Section 465.023(1)(c). F.S. (2012), by violating Rule 64B16-
Count Three: Respondent violated Section 465.023(1)(c), F.S. (2012), by violating Rule 64B16-
27.797(7)(b), F.A.C.

Terms of Settlement Agreement: Respondent shall be present. Respondent shall pay a fine of
$2,500.00. Respondent shall pay costs of $3, 254.88. Respondent shall surrender Special
Parenteral/Enteral modifier. Respondent shall be placed on a probationary period of one year.

Respondent (Pharmacy Manager) was present and sworn in by the court reporter. Respondent was
represented by Daniel G. Musca, Esquire.

Motion: by Dr. Weizer, seconded by Dr. Mikhael, to accept the Settlement Agreement. Motion carried.

Motion: by Dr. Weizer, seconded by Dr. Mesaros, to oppose costs. Motion carried.

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