
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Florida Board of Pharmacy Disciplinary Action Against Infupharma re: operating as a repackager

Infupharma, PH 23566 – Hollywood, FL
 Case No. 2011-11350 – PCP Fallon/Glass

Count One: Respondent violated Section 456.072(1)(k), F.S. (2010, 2011), by violating Section
499.005(22), by operating as a prescription drug repackager without first obtaining the proper permit to
do so.
Count Two: Respondent violated Section 456.072(1)(o), F.S. (2010, 2011), by practicing or offering to
practice beyond the scope permitted by law or accepting and performing professional responsibilities the
licensee knows, or has reason to know, the licensee is not competent to perform.

Terms of Settlement Agreement: Respondent shall be present. Respondent shall pay a fine of
$10,000.00. Respondent shall costs limited to $6,139.10. Respondent shall surrender Special Parenteral
and Enteral Modifier to the Board of Pharmacy. Respondent must complete an 8 hour laws and rules CE
course to be completed within one year of the filing of the final order. Respondent shall be placed on
probation for a period of 2 years with semi-annual inspections to be conducted at respondent’s cost.

Mark Ezzo was present on behalf of Infupharma and was sworn in by the court reporter. The respondent
was represented by Edwin Bayo, Esquire.
quoted from Minutes of December 3-4, 2013 Meeting

Motion: by Dr. Weizer, seconded by Mr. Philip, to accept the Settlement Agreement. Motion carried

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