
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Virginia Board of Pharmacy November 2013 Newsletter Nonresident Pharmacies: Statutory Change to Requirement for Submission of Current Inspection Report

As a prerequisite to obtaining registration as a nonresident pharmacy or
renewing a nonresident pharmacy
registration, the nonresident pharmacy shall submit a
copy of a current inspection report resulting from an inspection
conducted by the regulatory or licensing agency
of the jurisdiction in which it is located that indicates
compliance with the requirements of the Virginia Drug
Control Act, including compliance with United States
Pharmacopeia-National Formulary (USP-NF) standards
for pharmacies performing sterile and nonsterile compounding.
Effective July 1, 2013, §54.1-3434.1 states
the inspection report shall be deemed current if the
inspection was conducted (i) no more than six months
prior to the date of submission of an application to the
Virginia Board of Pharmacy for registration as a nonresident pharmacy
or (ii) no more than two years prior
to the date of submission of an application for renewal
of a nonresident pharmacy registration with the Board.
If the nonresident pharmacy has not been inspected by
the regulatory or licensing agency of the jurisdiction in
which it is located within the required time period, the
Board will accept an inspection report from the National

Association of Boards of Pharmacy®
 (NABP®) that otherwise satisfies the inspection report requirements
of §54.1-3434.1. Requests for obtaining an inspection
from NABP through the Verified Pharmacy Program™
can be sent to or by visiting www.nabp
An application submitted for registration or renewal
without an inspection report indicating compliance
with the requirements of the Virginia Drug Control
Act, including compliance with USP-NF standards for
pharmacies performing sterile and nonsterile compounding,
will be deemed incomplete and a registration will
not be issued or renewed until such time as a report or
other acceptable documentation is produced. Please note
that all nonresident pharmacy registrations expire annually at
midnight on April 30, unless properly renewed.
Additional information may be accessed in Guidance
Document 110-38 at

quoted from the Virginia Board of Pharmacy November 2013 Newsletter

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