Thursday, November 14, 2013

Summary of Senate action this morning

Floor Updates

Roberts, Vitter (UC), Reid (Objected), Blumenthal

Morning Business

Nov 14 2013

03:02 PM

Today --
  • The Senate is in Morning Business until 5:00 PM. There will be NO VOTES today.
  • Cloture has been filed on:
    1. Executive Calendar #381, Robert Leon Wilkins, of the District of Columbia, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the DC Circuit;
    2. H.R. 3204, the Rx Compounding bill; and
    3. Motion to Proceed to S. 1197, the Defense Authorization bill.

Senator Roberts(11:50 AM)
  • Spoke on the Rx Compounding bill.
    • "Title 1 of the Drug Quality and Security Act addresses the oversight of compounding pharmacy and title 2 provides a mechanism for securing our pharmaceutical drug supply chain. Together, we are making patients safer and ensuring that they can better trust the drugs that they take This legislation was passed by the House by a voice vote. I'm hoping we can see a similar outcome in the Senate. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation and encourage its swift passage and the signature by the president of the United States."

Senator Vitter(2:22 PM)
  • Unanimous Consent --
    • Following 2 hours of debate, there will be 2 VOTES on (60 votes required):
      1. Democratic side-by-side amendment; and
      2. Vitter amendment #2024 (Show Your Exemption bill).
    • Thereafter, the Senate will pass H.R. 3204, the Rx Compounding bill, as amended, if amended (Reid objected).
  • Unanimous Consent --
    • The Senate pass H.R. 3204, the Rx Compounding bill.
    • Thereafter, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of S. 1197, the Defense Authorization bill. A Vitter amendment (Show Your Exemption bill) (60 votes required) and a Democratic side-by-side amendment (60 votes required) will be in order (Reid objected).
  • Unanimous Consent --

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