Saturday, November 2, 2013

South Carolina Board of Pharmacy Clarification on Identification Requirements for Dispensing CS By SC DHEC Bureau of Drug Control

The Bureau of Drug Control has been asked to clarify the identification requirements for dispensing a CS. §44-53-360(i) states:
Excepting a mail order prescription dispensed in
compliance with Chapter 43 of Title 40 for which the
dispenser requires proper identification of the recipient,
a prescription for a controlled substance in Schedules II
through V may not be filled unless the dispenser knows
the recipient or requires the recipient to produce a
government issued photo identification, and the dispenser
notes the identification source and number on the
prescription, or in a readily retrievable log including:
(1) prescription number;
(2) date prescription filled;
(3) number and type of identification;
(4) initials of person obtaining and recording
A government-issued photo identification (ID) could include a
state-issued ID or driver’s license, valid passport, military ID, or
concealed weapons permit.

quoted from South Carolina Board of Pharmacy November 2013 Newsletter

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