
Saturday, November 2, 2013

South Carolina Board of Pharmacy Clarification on Taking Verbal Orders for Controls By SC DHEC Bureau of Drug Control

According to §40-43-82(C)(1) of the South Carolina Pharmacy
Practice Act, a supervising pharmacist may authorize a statecertified pharmacy technician to receive and initiate verbal telephone
orders. However, §44-53-360(b) of the South Carolina Code of
Laws specifically states, “a pharmacist may dispense a controlled
substance included in Schedule III, IV, or V pursuant to either
a written prescription signed by a practitioner, or a facsimile of
a written, signed prescription, transmitted by the practitioner
or the practitioner’s agent to the pharmacy,  or pursuant to an
oral prescription, reduced promptly to writing and filed by the
pharmacist.” Therefore, state-certified pharmacy technicians are
not allowed to take verbal orders for controlled substances (CS).

quoted from South Carolina Board of Pharmacy November 2013 Newsletter

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