
Saturday, November 2, 2013

South Carolina Board of Pharmacy Compliance Tips Consultant Pharmacist Written Monthly Inspections

Upon routine inspections of non-dispensing drug outlets, Board
staff has discovered fraudulent activity regarding the use of photo/
fax copies in place of the original during the written monthly
inspection. According to §40-43-86(C)(1)(f), the consultant
pharmacist must perform written monthly inspections that are
readily available. This is notice that the original must be kept at
the site upon each monthly inspection. Staff recommends that
consultants make a copy of the monthly report to retain for their
records should any discrepancies arise.
Other required duties of the consultant pharmacist include
establishing policies and procedures for the procurement, storage,
and distribution of drugs; establishing and supervising the record
keeping system for the purchase, sale, possession, storage,
safekeeping, and return of drugs; facilitating drug recalls, the
removal of outdated and adulterated drugs, and acting as a drug
information resource for the staff; and being available by phone
for question

quoted from South Carolina Board of Pharmacy November 2013 Newsletter

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