
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Some facts about me for those who keep asking and for all those who wonder but won't ask

This is not in anyway a C.V. or resume, but since I keep getting the question of what is my background--here it is


United States Attorney's Office, Western District of Oklahoma,OKC, OK October 1995-April 2011 
Asset Forfeiture Chief --tracked, traced and recovered assets 

Appellate Chief for a very long time-established the criminal appellate division for the office, wrote 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Briefs;, Reviewed, Edited and Approved all Criminal Division appellate briefs prior to filing; also drafted, reviewed and edited district court work of AUSAs on numerous cases

Researched and advised AUSAs on a wide range of criminal division issues both pre-trial, during trial and post trial, including the following:

--one of first cases brought against and resulting in the conviction of a pharmacist-Ricky Joe Nelson

--worked on several cases involving public corruption including U.S. v. VanMeter at the Oklahoma Department of Health and Human Services

--research and advised on cases involving doctors prosecuted for violations of the Controlled Substance Act

-research and advised on large health care fraud cases 

-the first appellate brief I wrote for the office was a a case involving a man who had  kidnapped a young boy from Choctaw Public School , tying up the principal to a tree.  My name is not on the brief or the appeal...I needed no credit....glad to do it for the AUSAs-Mark Yancy and Ed Kumiega- who prosecuted Floyd for the kidnapping and death of the boy. Case involved unique and interesting issues to research about federal kidnapping law. 

-one of the appeals I did the research and writing for and felt made a huge impact was U.S. v. Gary Bolden, where our office sought DOJ approval to appeal and received it.  The case involved a question of federal jurisdiction and resulted in a victory for the government.

Multiple presentations for criminal division and entire office on wide range of issues including research, writing and specific areas of the law

Sexual Harassment Prevention Coordinator-trained office on sexual harassment in the workplace, and coordinator sexual harassment complaints in the office
United States Sentencing Guidelines Coordinator for U.S. v. Gall, U.S. v.Booker, U.S. v. Blakely, etc. 

Assisted U.S. Attorney Robert McCampbell, Chairman of the Department of Justice Advisory Committee on Sentencing by helping research and draft legislation and later assisted U.S. Attorney John Richter, Chairman of the Department of Justice Advisory Committee on Sentencing and Member of the Department of Justice Committee on White Collar Crime

28 U.S.C. 2255 Coordinator;

Worked under 8 U.S. Attorneys: 
Patrick Ryan, 
John Green, 
The Honorable Joe Heaton, 
Dan Weber, 
Robert McCampbell, 
Bob Troester, 
John Richter, and 
Sandy Coats

· A few of the Awards received from DOJ/US Attorney's Office: 
                    Outstanding Performance Evaluation 14 out of 15 years.
                    Special Act/Service Award 8/04
Performance Award 8/05
Performance Award 8/06
Performance Award 8/07
Sustained Superior Performance Award 8/07
Performance Award 8/08 
Performance Award 9/09             
Spot Award 09 
Spot Award 10
Performance Award 10

Other Employment

State of Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office, OKC, OK where I was an Assistant Attorney General represented multiple state agencies including the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs (90%--on all health care matters), Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Commission, and Oklahoma Employment Security Commission in legal matters. 

Internal Revenue Service, OKC, OK  where worked on denials and approvals of 501(c)(3) organizations and other non profit entities
Crowe and Dunlevy, OKC & Tulsa, OK 

Representation of Oil and Gas Companies in Oklahoma and Texas; representation of hospital sued for death of patient who had surgery and during surgery nurse anesthesiologist  microwaved blood rather than using a blood warming because a sales rep has suggested it to her; oversaw work of hospital's insurance company; case involved multiple parties and years of litigation and documents being filed.  Trial resulted in jury returning a not guilty verdict against hospital under captain of ship theory

Member of American Bar Association 
Member of the Oklahoma Bar Association since 1991
Member of American Society for Pharmacy Law
Member of American Bar Association Health Care Section
Member of American Bar Association Public Contracting Section
Former Board Member of Oklahoma Young Lawyer's Division, 
Former Chairperson, Rape Victims Assistance Committee, Young Lawyer's Division; 
Award for Outstanding Service from Oklahoma Bar Association on Mock Trial Committee;
Who's Who in American Law
Who's Who in Southwest and South
Who's Who in Business and Finance
Who's Who Among American Women

  • University of Oklahoma College of Law
    J.D., 1988 - 1991
    Highest Honors (top 5%) 
    Order of Coif 
    Oklahoma Law Review 
    Member Phi Delta Phi Honor Society 
    Member Phi Kappa Phi 
    American Jurisprudence Awards in Contracts II and Corporations 
    Who’s Who in American Law Students
    Legal Research and Writing Teaching Assistant for two years to the freshman law students
    Oxford University, Summer Program, Studying aboard with the English Law Professors

  • Southeastern Oklahoma State University
  • B.S. Magna Cum Laude
    Accounting major, Business and Math minors 1986 - 1988
    Secretary-Treasurer of Pre-Law Club 
    Marketing and Management Club 
    Member Accounting Club 
    Member Alpha Chi Honor Society 
    United States All American Scholastic Academy 
    Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities 

    Murray State College

    A.S. General Education  1984- 1986
    Student Senate President, 1985-86 
    Miss MSC 1985-86 
    Activity Award from Faculty 
    Phi Beta Lam Business Club 
    Social Science Club 
    Baptist Student Union 
    Student Home Economic Association 
    Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society 
    Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges


    Author, Joint Defense Agreements: Could It Help Your Client, Oklahoma
    Bar Journal, March 1998

    Author, King for a Day, An Overview of Qui Tam Litigation Under State and Federal Law, Oklahoma Bar Journal, May 1999

    Author, The Fifth Amendment Privilege Against Self-Incrimination: Walking the Tight Rope in Parallel Civil and Criminal Proceedings, October 2002

    Tenth Circuit Standards of Review Manual, Western District of Oklahoma

    Criminal Appeals Manual, Western District of Oklahoma

    Creator and Author of the Law of Compounding Medications and Drug Blog
    Creator and Author of the Law of Veterinary Medicine Blog
    Creator and Author of the Oklahoma Pharmacy Law Blog
    Creator and Author of Two Chick and A Bible Blog
    with a few more blogs set up and ready to be launched

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