
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Oklahoma Board of Pharmacy Update on Hydrocodone Refills

November 21, 2013
HYDROCODONE REFILL UPDATE (click to view full document):
  • A pharmacy may partially fill a Hydrocodone prescription only if they are unable to supply the full quantity.  The remaining portion must be filled within 72 hours, and no further quantity may be supplied after that time without a new prescription.
  • Pharmacies may partially fill Hydrocodone prescriptions for terminally ill patients and/or patients in a Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) for up to 60 days.  See OAC 475:30-1-7 for more detailed information about documentation.
  • A Hydrocodone prescription may be transferred from one pharmacy to another only if it has never been filled at the original pharmacy (i.e. on hold).  Examples of this may be when a prescriber has sent the prescription to the wrong pharmacy or a pharmacy does not have the medication in stock.
  • If a patient has a prescription for a certain quantity of Hydrocodone and their insurance will only pay for part of that prescription, they may pay cash for the remainder but it must occur within the same transaction and the pharmacist should document on the back of the prescription.
  • The OBNDD has interpreted OAC 475:30-1-11 to mean that a prescriber may not write multiple prescriptions on the same date with instructions to fill some of those prescriptions at a later date.  This applies to Schedule II prescriptions as well as all other CDS prescriptions, including Hydrocodone.
  • There is no legal limitation on the days’ supply for any CDS prescription.
  • quoted from here

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