Friday, November 15, 2013

IMPORTANT--The HORSE! Texas Compounder Draws Horse Racing Industry Scrutiny By Frank Angst Nov 15, 2013

  Horse racing regulators are in the process of testing several products produced by Texas-based Weatherford Compounding Pharmacy, based on the officials’ belief that the company is among several compounders that are either manufacturing performance-enhancing or pain-killing products that are undetectable on drug tests or marketing their products as such.
In September regulators in New Mexico confiscated Weatherford products, as well as similar substances from other compounders, at a Ruidoso Downs Quarter Horse meet and sent them to the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium (RMTC), which represents 24 industry stakeholders on medication and testing issues. RMTC Executive Director Dionne Benson, DVM, said the RMTC is testing 19 such products taken at Ruidoso—more than half of which are from Weatherford—to determine the exact ingredients.
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