
Thursday, November 28, 2013

If these were the stats in 2009 for veterinary prescriptions, what are they now in 2013--2009 estimated to be a $125 million dollar industry and it was a NEW and Emerging Market then!!

Eaton fills 800 to 900 prescriptions a day and ships them around the country. The company will use the growth capital to expand its sales team and develop of its own assortment of in-house drugs that will undergo tests through clinical trials, Bubnack said. Eaton, founded in 1999, sells to over 9,000 veterinary clinics nationwide.
The market for pet medication compounding is a bit tough to measure as many vets still handle the process themselves, instead of outsourcing, but Huntington estimates it to be approaching $125 million and growing. Bubnack says vets are finding it increasingly difficult and costly to carry large inventories of drugs. “They’re there to treat the animal, not build a business around prescriptions,” Bubnack said.
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