Saturday, November 23, 2013

Eleventh Question of the Day November 23, 2013 Will consumers (private citizens) demand that their compounded preparations be regulated by the FDA or in other words will they not use traditional pharmacy compounds anymore? What do the victims of NECC believe? Would they recommend that citizens use compounded preparations from a non-FDA regulated compounder?

1 comment:

lindy.bear said...

Most human patients and the owners of animal patients will be oblivious to the differences between different compounders, outsourcers, and manufacturers, and simply have "blind faith" that the physician, veterinarian (and/or trainer) is making the right decisions in a professional way. Unfortunately, trainers want to win at all costs and will cheat with compounded drugs, and doctors/vets like to get the best markup from what they pay for drugs and what they charge their patients and insurance companies - so they often buy based upon price, not quality.

Kenneth Woliner, MD