Thursday, November 14, 2013

Breaking News: HR 3204 Vote Pushed to Monday, November 18th

IACP has received word that the HR 3204 vote currently on the Senate floor has been pushed back to Monday, November 18th, 2013. The delay has occurred as the debate continues with Senator Vitter's efforts to have a vote on the healthcare amendment.

In today's CQ Roll Callit's reported that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid filed a motion this afternoon, "to end debate on compounding pharmacy legislation, while queuing up defense authorization and a judicial nominee for floor action next week."
Says, Reid, “Unless the entire United States Senate bends to that one senator’s wish — the one that voted ‘no’ 97-1 it was — he will force this body to jump through hoops and work through next several days wasting time to finish this crucial drug safety bill."
IACP will continue to keep our members informed of further updates.
Posted 11.14.13, 3:30 pm EST
quoted from IACP

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