
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blogger suggest FDA Steps to Improve Drug Supply Monitoring is an attempt to regulate compounded drugs

FDA Takes Additional Steps To Improve Drug Supply Monitoring

I’ve been posting irregularly about shortages in the production of drugs and other critical elements.  But I’ve barely scratched the surface of the drug shortages.  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is starting to take steps required by a recent federal law to try and get a better handling on drug shortages as they appear (H/T Scientific American).
In Monday’s Federal Register there is a notice of a proposed rulemaking and request for comments from the FDA on changes in reporting on drug shortages.  Prompted by the 2012 Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act, companies will now be required to report six months in advance of discontinuing production or a shortage of production of certain drugs.  The FDA will also maintain a list of drugs under shortage conditions.

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