
Friday, October 4, 2013

South Dakota State Board of Pharmacy Discuses Electronic Retention of Health Records/ Prescriptions

On July 12, a rules hearing was held at 1 PM at the
Capitol Building in Pierre, SD. The purpose of the hearing
 was to discuss pharmacies’ ability to electronically
retain health records, including prescription orders if
the facility chooses to do so. This proposal would not
be a mandatory requirement. Facilities could choose
to retain records manually in accordance with current
rules. The amendments to the rules would permit the
retention of this information in an electronic format
given the pharmacy meets the following requirements:
♦ Has the ability to provide printed copies of the prescription
records from the electronic platform, to
include an electronic copy of the actual prescription
in a timely manner if requested by the South Dakota
State Board of Pharmacy.
♦ Has the ability to print from the electronic records a
comprehensive list of all medications for a specific
patient or all records over a date range that may be
requested by the Board.
♦ Has the ability to demonstrate a backup/storage
method in order to recreate all pharmacy records
in the event of a computer failure.
♦ Implements security features to prevent unauthorized access to the records.
Two entities provided written testimony in support  of
the proposed amendments and one agency was present at
the hearing to testify in support. There was no testimony
provided in opposition to the proposed rule changes. The
Board voted to adopt the rule changes. The changes were
presented to the Legislative Research Council’s Interim
Rules Committee on August 20, and were accepted. The
amendments will be effective 20 days after filing with
the South Dakota Secretary of State.

quoted from here

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