
Friday, October 4, 2013

Schedule II Prescriptions Now Carry a Six-Month Expiration Date Under North Carolina Law

Item 2270 – Schedule II Prescriptions
Now Carry a Six-Month Expiration
Date Under North Carolina Law
The General Assembly passed, and Governor McCrory
signed into law, S.L. 2013-79, the text of which
may be found here:
House/PDF/H675v6.pdf.  The  statute  makes  several
alterations to law governing the practice of pharmacy.
Among them, “No Schedule II substance shall be dispensed
pursuant to a written prescription more than
six months after the date it was prescribed.” The new
six-month limitation applies to all prescriptions issued
on or after October 1, 2013.

quoted from North Carolina Board of Pharmacy October 2013 Newsletter

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