
Friday, October 4, 2013

Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy Disciplinary Action for June 2013--Large Fines Imposed on CVS

Disciplinary Actions
For more information, you may view hearing minutes at
13.35. June 27, 2013 Board Hearing
Impaired Pharmacist #10336 – Case No. 1102: License removed
from suspension and placed on probation for life.
Jennifer Dawn Ford, Technician #15989 – Case No.
1184: Admitted guilt on three violations including theft.
April Guinn, Technician #17519 – Case No. 1185: Found
guilty of five violations including theft of CDS. Revoked.
Yolanda Rodriquez, Technician #16769 – Case No. 1188:
Found guilty of three violations including theft. Revoked.
Alexis Vinavong, Technician #16681 – Case No. 1189:
Found guilty of three violations including theft. Revoked.
Impaired Pharmacist #14726 – Case No. 1190: Admitted
to guilt on five violations including theft of CDS. License
placed on probation indefinitely. Respondent must enter
into a 10-year contract with Oklahoma Pharmacists
Helping Pharmacists (OPHP), attend a law seminar in
2013, and all continuing education (CE) required for
license renewal must be live for 2014 and 2015.
Bivens Drug, Inc, #70-5920 – Case No. 1193: Admitted
guilt on seven violations including permitting the practice
of pharmacy by someone other than a licensed pharmacist
or assistant pharmacist. Fine: $3,000.
Jerry Lee Dennis, DPh, #9252 – Case No. 1194: Admitted
guilt on 55 violations including allowing someone other
than a licensed pharmacist to certify the finished prescription, as
defined by the Board, before delivery to the patient
or the patient’s agent or caregiver. License placed on probation
for five years until June 27, 2018. Fine: $12,500.
Additional 45 hours of CE required by December 31,
2013. All required CE during 2014-2018 must be live.
Flourish Integrative Pharmacy, LLC, #1-5179 – Case No.
1195: Respondent neither admitted nor denied guilt on two
violations including misfilling a prescription or drug order
that departs from the standards of care ordinarily exercised
by a registrant. Fine: $3,000.
Christopher Darwin Rice, DPh, #14993 – Case No. 1196:
Respondent neither admitted nor denied guilt on three violations including misfilling a prescription in a manner that
departs from the standards of care ordinarily exercised by
a pharmacist. Fine: $3,000.
13.36. August 21, 2013 Board Hearing
Tiffany Jerrell, Technician #16225 – Case No. 1186: Found
guilty of four violations including possession of a CDS
without a valid prescription. Revoked.
Carolina M. Marroquin, Technician #16353 – Case No.
1187: Found guilty of three violations including theft.
Brandi Johnson, Technician #6628 – Case No. 1202:
Found guilty of four violations including possession of a
CDS without a valid prescription. Revoked.
Sarah Delosier, Technician #17136 – Case No. 1203: Found
guilty of four violations including possession of a CDS
without a valid prescription. Revoked.
Carl Peterson, Jr, Technician #15204 – Case No. 1204:
Admitted guilt on three violations including furnishing false
or fraudulent material in an application made to the Board.
Permit placed on probation until the court determines
that he has satisfactorily completed his deferred sentence. Fine: $500.Page 5 – October 2013
The Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy News is published by the Oklahoma
State Board of Pharmacy and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
Foundation, Inc, to promote compliance of pharmacy and drug law. The opinions
and views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official
views, opinions, or policies of the Foundation or the Board unless expressly so
John A. Foust, DPh - State News Editor
Carmen A. Catizone, MS, RPh, DPh - National News Editor
& Executive Editor
Deborah Zak - Communications Manager
Continued from page 4
Geoffrey Miller, Technician #15563 – Case No. 1205: Admitted guilt on four violations including abusing alcohol
or drugs, using an illegal CDS substance, and/or testing
positive for such substance or its metabolite. Revoked.
Lucas Agee, Technician #17085 – Case No. 1206: Admitted guilt on four violations including possession of a CDS
without a valid prescription. Revoked.
Skyler Verzilli, Technician #15455 – Case No. 1207: Found
guilty of four violations including possession of a CDS
without a valid prescription. Revoked.
Heritage Pharmacy, #54-5587 – Case No. 1208: Admitted
to guilt on three violations including filling or refilling a
prescription for a dangerous drug without the authorization
of a licensed practitioner. Fine: $6,000.
Dennis Satchell, DPh, #8217 – Case No. 1209: Admitted
to guilt on three violations including filling or refilling
a prescription for a CDS without the authorization of a
licensed practitioner. Respondent placed on probation
for two years until August 21, 2015. Fine: $6,000. All
required CE during 2014 and 2015 must be live.
CVS/Pharmacy #5959, #1-5376 – Case No. 1197: Neither
admits nor denies guilt on 15 violations including failing to
transmit to a central repository designated by the Oklahoma
State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control
certain information for each dispensation of Schedule II,
III, IV, or V CDS, specifically prescriber’s DEA registration
number. Fine of $2,991.45 per count.
CVS/Pharmacy #6004, #1-5450 – Case No. 1198: Neither
admits nor denies guilt on 15 violations including failing to
transmit to a central repository designated by the Oklahoma
State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control
certain information for each dispensation of Schedule II,
III, IV, or V CDS, specifically prescriber’s DEA registration
number. Fine of $2,991.45 per count.

CVS/Pharmacy #6022, #1-5386 – Case No. 1199: Neither
admits nor denies guilt on 15 violations including failing to
transmit to a central repository designated by the Oklahoma
State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control
certain information for each dispensation of Schedule II,
III, IV, or V CDS, specifically prescriber’s DEA registration
number. Fine of $2,991.45 per count.
CVS/Pharmacy #6230, #1-5399 – Case No. 1200: Neither
admits nor denies guilt on 15 violations including failing to
transmit to a central repository designated by the Oklahoma
State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control
certain information for each dispensation of Schedule II,
III, IV, or V CDS, specifically prescriber’s DEA registration
number. Fine of $2,991.45 per count.
CVS/Pharmacy #8312, #26-5406 – Case No. 1201: Neither
admits nor denies guilt on 57 violations including failing to
transmit to a central repository designated by the Oklahoma
State Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control
certain information for each dispensation of Schedule II,
III, IV, or V CDS, specifically prescriber’s DEA registration
number. Fine of $2,991.45 per count. Respondent CVS/
Pharmacy #8312 placed on probation for one year until
August 21, 2014.

CVS total fine of $350,000. CVS will host a three-hour
training session for pharmacists-in-charge (PICs) in
Oklahoma City, OK, and Tulsa, OK, within the next 12
months wherein training is conducted by the Oklahoma
State Board of Pharmacy. CVS’s current PICs will attend
the one-day OPhA Law Seminar before August 21,
2015, which will count toward the pharmacists’ yearly
CE requirement.

quoted from here

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