
Friday, October 4, 2013

Observations and Notes from the South Dakota State Board of Pharmacy Inspectors

Notes from the Inspectors
The following remarks are observations and comments from the Board’s inspectors.
♦ If you are maintaining Zostavax®
 in your inventory,
please ensure that you are recording the freezer
temperature on a daily basis.
♦ Immunization certificates should be prominently
displayed for the public view.
♦ Due to the increased number of internal and external
diversions, the Board is observing more pharmacies installing
security/camera systems. The Board
highly encourages this!
♦ The Board is beginning to observe more audits
of controlled substances (CS) by pharmacies. The
Board recommends each pharmacy conduct a minimum of one audit per
month on a Schedule III or
Schedule IV CS. Some pharmacies are doing more
than one per month. Keep up the good work!

quoted from the South Dakota State Board of Pharmacy October 2013 Newsletter

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